Level managers

Rapid Pygame provides a level manager that keeps tract of level and is capable of level parsing

class rapidpg.levelmgr.collision.Level(config, data, tiles, backgrounds=None, player=None, animations=())

Responsible for handling player movement and level related collision detection. The structure of a level can be found in Level format

Contains the interpreted level and methods that should be called every frame to update the level. Also handle player movement. Since the interpreted level is exposed, the built in movement method doesn’t have to be used. The movement methods can be overridden by a child class to achieve a different movement effect. Note that if the child class has a different constructor, the LevelManager will have to be sub classed as well.

  • player – The player object to manipulate
  • config – The config dict of the level
  • data – The uninterpreted, but parsed level
  • tiles – A dict of tile sets, mapping a name to a surface
  • animations ([Animation]) – A list of animations that is shown in the background
  • backgrounds – A dict of backgrounds, mapping a name to a surface
  • animation ([[Surface]]) –

This method is called every update cycle to simulate gravity. Override this method to produce different behavior


Called by update() when _is_jumping() returns true


This method is called to decide when a jump is possible

Param:movement: The movement dict forwarded from update()
Return type:bool

Called by update() when left is held


Called by update() when right is held

static find_max(rect_list)

Find the rect with the largest y in the rect_list

static find_min(rect_list)

Find the rect with the lowest y in the rect_list


Get the width and height of the level

Returns:(width, height)

Interpret the level, breaking it down into a list of rect that should collide with the player. Whether a tile collides with the player or not is specified in the level file. See Level format for more details

Returns:A list of rects
Return type:[Rect]

This method should be called every frame to update the location of the player and the environment. Player‘s start_jump() and jumping is used to start the jump and check if a jump is in progress, respectively.

Parameters:movement – Dict with keys up, down, left, right mapping to booleans

A list of tuples, that are (surface, rect). Drawing the whole list with display_surf.blit(*level.draw_list) will draw the background, level, and player


Exit of the level. (x, y) None if unspecified in the level


A list of rects that should collide with the player, see interpret()


Spawn point of the player (x, y)

class rapidpg.levelmgr.collision.LevelManager(origin, player=None)

Load and manage levels.

Takes a path to the level file and the player object to manipulate

  • originstring origin of loading
  • player – An instance of a class that has a rect property
Return type:Level

Load a level relative to the origin

Parameters:path – Path to the level in list format

Advance current_level


Set current_level to the previous level


Current level object, set by using next_level() and previous_level()

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